Monochrome Daisy Basket
Transform your living space with the Monochrome Daisy Basket, a versatile piece that can serve as a striking wall statement or a unique centerpiece for your table. Each basket is meticulously handcrafted by skilled women artisans in Central Uganda, who are part of a cooperative dedicated to empowering disadvantaged communities, including widows, the disabled, and those living with HIV/AIDS.
Crafted from all-natural, sustainably sourced raffia and banana fibers, this basket is both eco-friendly and durable. The use of synthetic AZO-free dyes ensures vibrant colors without compromising safety. A convenient hanging loop on the back allows for easy wall display, adding to its multifunctional appeal.
The creation of each basket is a labor of love, with artisans weaving from home while managing other household responsibilities. This intricate process can take days to weeks, with weavers dedicating a few hours each day to their craft. Proudly handmade in Uganda, the Monochrome Daisy Basket measures approximately 13" x 3", making it a perfect fit for any decor style.